Senno Privacy Policy

Senno device is collecting data from the user. This data includes:

  • Acceleration / IMU data
  • NIR Reflectance data; ie. multispectral light reflectance measurement
  • Device internal temperature and Skin temperature

The user account has the following demographic information:

  • Year of birth; in order to calculate age
  • Sex; for statistical analysis
  • Self-determined level of activity

This data is then analyzed and stored in database. It is connected to your user account (ID) and when you delete your user account, the link to user account is deleted. The measured data exists, but it is not connected to user account ID anymore. The demographic information link is stored, however.

If you wish to have your data removed, please leave a request before deleting your user account — after deleting the user account, we are not able to locate your data, since after removal of account the data is fully anonymized.